3 Mistakes To Avoid While Caring For Your Newly Bonded Teeth

If you and your cosmetic dentist have decided that the best way to fix your teeth is through composite bonding, you may be wondering if you will have to change the way you take care of your teeth, as well as have any restrictions on your diet. While learning to take care of your newly bonded teeth, make sure you avoid the following mistakes that could damage the resin filler, especially during the first few days.

1.  Rinsing With a Mouthwash That Contains Alcohol

As part of your normal dental hygiene routine, you may rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash before or after you brush your teeth. While using mouthwash is a good practice when taking care of your teeth, you have to be careful with the type of mouthwash you use.

During the days after you have your teeth bonded, the resin will still be soft until it sets up and hardens. If you use a mouthwash that contains alcohol, the alcohol will break down the resin and keep it soft. However, even after the resin has hardened, regular use of a mouthwash containing alcohol may cause deterioration of the material.

When you go shopping for your mouthwash, make sure you look carefully at the ingredients in each one so that you do not accidentally select one containing alcohol. If you are still unsure as to which mouthwash to use, ask your cosmetic dentist for recommendations.

2.  Brushing Your Teeth With a Hard-bristled Toothbrush

Another mistake to avoid when you have newly bonded teeth is brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush. Because the bristles are stiff, a toothbrush with hard bristles will scrape the surface of your teeth.

Especially if the resin has not set up completely, using this type of toothbrush could pull up on the edges and dislodge the filling. However, even after the resin has hardened, the edges may still be prone to damage by continual hard scraping caused by the bristles.

Instead of using a hard-bristled toothbrush, opt for one with soft bristles. It is not the pressure nor the hardness of the bristles that cleans your teeth. Rather, it is the circular motions that you use while brushing that removes food, bacteria, and tartar. A soft-bristled brush will be enough to keep your teeth cleaned without causing damage to the composite bonding material.

If you still feel hesitant about changing to a softer toothbrush because you worry that you will not be able to keep your teeth as clean, invest in an electric toothbrush that provides higher scrubbing action without increased pressure or scraping on the resin. Ask your dentist for their recommendations if you are still unsure.

3.  Consuming Any Stain-Causing Foods or Beverages

Until the composite resin fully sets up, it will be porous. Because of this, it will be vulnerable to staining if you consume any foods or beverages that are known for their stain-causing qualities. If you eat or drink any of these in the days after having your teeth bonded, you risk permanently staining the resin.

During this time, try to stay away from food such as dark berries or purple grapes. Also, limit your intake of tea, coffee, and wine. If you cannot go without your cup of coffee in the morning or your glass of wine with dinner, try using a straw to keep the liquid away from your teeth. Then, rinse your mouth afterward with water to remove any residual.

Avoiding the above mistakes can help you keep the bonding agent intact while it hardens, as well as prevent any future damage. For more information about taking care of your bonded teeth, speak with someone at a cosmetic dental service near you.
