Don't Suffer From Toothaches--5 Methods For Reducing Toothache Pain

A toothache is the result of pain in the teeth, usually caused by lack of proper dental hygiene. A toothache can cause an array of symptoms, such as painful teeth and/or inflammation. It may be caused due to broken or damaged teeth, abscesses, lodged food, or even mouth injury—or any of combination of these.

If you are suffering from extreme sensitivity or a toothache, it is important that you visit your dentist for emergency dental care. In the meantime, you can use these five methods for relieving the pain:

1. Clove Oil

In ancient times, clove oil was commonly used to relieve toothaches. You can usually find clove oil in the spice section of your grocery store. However, it may also be available in the dental section in a small kit.

To relieve the pain associated with toothaches, place 1-3 drops of clove oil on a small cotton ball and apply it to the affected tooth. Let the cotton ball sit in place for about 30-seconds and remove and discard.

If you cannot find clove oil, you can use dry and ground clove. Again, simply apply a small amount to the cotton ball and place on the affected tooth.

2. Sea Salt Swish

Dentists commonly recommend rinsing with salt water for those with mouth trauma or abscesses. However, dentists also recommend a sea salt swish after dental surgery. Salt water helps to reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. It also helps to kill bacteria and bring any infection to the surface.

To relieve pain, dissolve 1-teaspoon of sea salt into a cup of warm water. Swish the solution in your mouth for about 30-seconds and spit out. Repeat up to 3-5 times daily.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide Swish

Another way to help kill bacteria and reduce pain is to swish with hydrogen peroxide. The properties of hydrogen peroxide help to reduce pain, fever, and bacteria in the mouth.

To relieve pain, pour a capful of 3-percent hydrogen peroxide into a small cup. Swish in your mouth for about 30-seconds and spit out. Rinse your mouth with tepid water 3-4 times. Repeat this process 2-3 times daily.

4. Seal Cavities with Gum

If you are suffering from a broken or lost filling, reduce the pain by covering up the new hole. This will help cover the exposed nerve and prevent further decay.

To reduce the pain, simply chew up a piece of sugar-free gum. Use a small portion of the gum to seal the crack or lost filling. Re-fill as needed.

5. Ice

Like most pains, ice can be used to reduce mouth pain caused by toothaches.

To relieve pain, apply an ice pack to the cheek of the affected tooth. Let the ice pack sit for 15-20 minutes and remove. Repeat up to 8-times daily.

Although these methods will not cure a toothache, they can be used to reduce the pain. If you have a toothache, please call your dentist immediately for emergency dental work.
