2 Procedures You May Need With Your Dentures

Dentures are used to replace a number of missing teeth in your mouth. There are multiple types of dentures, such as partial dentures, full dentures and implant-supported dentures. The type of denture selected is dependent on the number of teeth that are left in the palate and the way that the appliance will be held in place.

If you are planning to receive dentures, you may not be considering other procedures that may be associated with the dentures. Here are additional procedures that may be needed in conjunction with your new appliance:

Your dentist may perform dental extractions.

If you have some teeth remaining in your mouth but they are damaged or decayed, or if you have a severe case of periodontal disease, the teeth may need to be extracted before you receive your dentures. The dentures are designed to fit perfectly in your individual mouth so changes to the structure of your teeth and gums should be complete before the appliance is fabricated.

Dental extractions are common for people who have a full set of dentures placed to replace an entire palate of teeth. Once the damaged teeth have been removed and a denture is in place, the ability to eat and chew comfortably is restored.

Your dentist may install dental implants.

If you prefer to have your dentures connected in your mouth to prevent undesirable shifting or movement of the appliance, your dentist may perform a dental implant procedure to give your dentures a stabilizing base.

Dentures that are supported by dental implants contain an apparatus on the appliance's underside to connect the dentures to the implants that are secured within your jawbone. When dental implants are installed, they are drilled into your bone. During a span of a few months, the dental implants fuse with the jawbone so that they are securely in place. As a result, they can provide dentures with the same level of stabilization that a natural tooth could.

Even though the dentures can be connected to the dental implants, the appliances are still removable. You can easily connect or disconnect the dentures whenever you need to, while still enjoying the complete stability of an implant-supported appliance.

To learn more about dentures and the supportive procedures that may be needed, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your area. He or she can assess your teeth and help determine the best denture-related options for your particular dental situation.
