3 Key At Home Teeth Whitening Remedies That You Should Try

Are you embarrassed to show off your smile because of coffee stains covering your teeth? If so, then you may have already been thinking about a teeth whitening solution, but are unable to afford the expensive cost of teeth whitening treatments. Store teeth whitening strips and solutions can be very expensive, especially if you want keep up with routine treatments. Well, rather than spend a great deal of money to improve your smile, you may want to consider home remedies such as:

Coconut Oil Pulling:

A method known as coconut pulling is a great way to remove surface stains from your smile as well as improve the overall dental hygiene in your mouth, as the reaction of chemical pulling eliminates mouth bacteria. Killing off the mouth bacteria in your mouth reduces and helps prevents future teeth stains, as well as removes any current stains you are dealing with. By using a small amount of coconut oil and swishing it in your mouth for about 15-20 minutes, you can see great and effective results from this solution.

Brushing With Baking Soda:

Like you would with toothpaste, applying baking soda onto your toothbrush and brushing with this product can help remove surface stains very quickly and effectively. The baking soda will penetrate the surface stains off of your teeth without creating damages to your tooth enamel. This option can be the most efficient at-home teeth whitening solution, but if you do decide to try this method, consult with your dentist to ensure you are not over exposing your teeth to baking soda.

Healthy Fruits:

Healthy fruits like apples and bananas are a great way to remove surface teeth stains. Apples trigger your mouth to produce more saliva, which helps wash away bacteria and debris in your mouth. This prevents future dental stains, while removing any stains that you currently have on your teeth. This is a healthy, yet very effective way to improve the appearance of your smile.

These home remedies can be very effective and are very affordable considering the alternatives. Not only can these methods be affordable, but you likely already buy or own these products in your home, which essentially means these teeth whitening solutions can be free. So, rather than pay top dollar to whiten your smile, consider these tips and you may find them to be extremely helpful, and more natural than using over-the-counter teeth whitening products. For more tips, contact a clinic such as Artistic Dentistry by Gerard Wasselle, D.M.D.
